
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Looking for Original Drum Samples? Try Recording Real Drums Yourself - Here's How By Justin K Howley

Producers are always on the look out to add some new sounds to their drum libraries. This little project is pretty easy to do, and you can get new and original drum samples. This technique works best if you have a buddy who plays the drums, but even doing this by yourself with no drumming experience can give decent results.

First you need to find an affordable recording studio or rehearsal space with a decent sound room and drum kit (in nyc where I live they're a dime a dozen). Recording studios will be more expensive of course, but you will get better sounds. A rehearsal space is fine if your doing this for the first time and just want to try it out, you still can get great results. Book a few hours at the studio. Bring your laptop and sound card if you have one, or have the studio set you up to record on their gear. Experiment with mic placement, and see if the drums are in tune. Make sure you have your mics on the kick snare and hi hat. Start recording and play each drum one by one at different velocities. Play until you think you have some solid takes of your drum hits.

If you have some experience under your belt, you can try different mic'ing techniques, throw a mic in the room further away from the drums to get a bigger room sound. If you have extra time try turning some gain up on the mic pre's and compressing a little to get a grittier sound.

Layer the sound under some of your favorite drum kits to add some flavor, or... let them sit on their own for your own personalized kit.

Justin Howley runs an audio production hip hop blog.

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